План курса средний

Цель: Подготовить слушателей к работе с иностранными партнерами.

Режим занятия: 2 академических часа в день, 2 дня в неделю.

Наименование разделов и дисциплин Всего, час Форма


1 Английский язык  для сотрудников среднего уровня.
1.1 ·         Present and past tenses: terminology, formation and use

·         Non-progressive verbs

·         Infinitives and –ing forms after verbs

·         –ing forms after prepositions

·         –ing forms as subjects

·         Verb + object + infinitive

·         Modal auxiliaries

·         Distancing use of past tenses

·         Reported statements and questions

16 часов + 4 часа самостоятельной работы Зачет по темам:

10 мин. устно,

1 ч. 20 минут


1.2 ·         Present Perfect for reporting ‘news’

·         Can with verbs of sensation

·         Tenses of there is

·         Use of –ing forms for activities

·         Imperatives

·         Comparative structures: worse and worst

·         Question tags

·         Position of prepositions in questions and relative structures

·         Leaving out object relative pronouns

·         Building sentences with conjunctions and –ing­ forms

·         Adverbials of degree

·         So do I, neither do I etc.

18 часов + 6 часа самостоятельной работы Зачет по темам:

10 мин. устного,

1 ч. 20 минут


1.3 ·         Simple Past and Past Progressive

·         Simple Past tenses with as

·         Present Perfect Progressive

·         Passives

·         Hypothetical if- clauses with Simple Past and would

·         Modal verbs, including will have to

·         Should (n’t) and must (n’t)

·         Won’t for refusals

·         Infinitive of purpose

·         How to…

·         Imperative

·         By…ing

·         Two-word verbs

18 часов + 4 часа самостоятельной работы Зачет по темам:

10 мин. устного,

1 ч. 20 минут


1.4 ·         Present Perfect Simple and Progressive

·         Have to and modal verbs with perfect infinitives

·         Past conditionals

·         Reporting with infinitives

·         Would you rather…?

·         Frequency adverbs

·         Connecting adverbs and conjunctions

·         Prepositions of movement

16 часов + 4 часа самостоятельной работы Зачет по темам:

10 мин. устного,

1 ч. 20 минут


1.5 ·         Past Progressive: use and pronunciation

·         Will­-future

·         It’ll and there’ll

·         Passive infinitives after modal verbs

·         Contractions

·         Reported speech with would and had

·         Position of frequency adverbs

·         Use of noun, verb, or adjective to express the same idea

·         Word order: verb, object and adverb

·         Verbs with two objects

·         Punctuation

18 часов + 8 часа самостоятельной работы Зачет по темам:

10 мин. устного,

1 ч. 20 минут


1.6 ·         Повторение всех тем в качестве подготовки к экзамену 4 часа + 4 часа самостоятельной работы Экзамен по курсу:

10 минут

устного, 1 ч. 20 минут письменно

  Итоги: 120 часов 9 часов
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